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Concept Ceilings, leading stretch ceiling manufacturer, was established in the year 2014 with a clear vision of providing world-class designer ceilings through continuous innovation, research & development and best standards of quality & safety. We work on the core values of IntegrityAccountabilitySafetyRespectTeamwork, and Sustainability.

Today, the company is recognized as one of the leading names for manufacturing stretch ceilings by the brand name  Eurolux Stretch Ceilings launched with technology from Europe having its own fully integrated manufacturing facility with dedicated teams for manufacturing and installation.

The team at Concepts Ceilings is led by Sarbjeet Sambhy, a passionate entrepreneur with hands-on experience in stretch ceiling business and expertise in critical areas of the business that include marketing, procurement, manufacturing, operations, warehousing, shipping & freight and industrial & commercial terms. Sarbjeet, Founder Director & CEO of the Company, is an engineer by profession and has a working experience of over 15 years with more than 10 years in Stretch Ceilings industry.

The key to the success of the business that has established Concept Ceilings as a reliable company and Eurolux as a well-known brand is that the team understands the market needs and responds with effective products and service of high quality meeting the international standards.